Having a whale of a time: Swimmer gets synchronised with ocean beast off coast of Tonga

A freediver has been photographed synchronising her swimming with a humpback whale.

Underwater photographer David Edgar, 30, took photos of his wife Alice, 31, freediving next to the ocean beast as she mirrored its moves.

The calm creature even seemed unbothered by her presence as she swam for the impressive photographs, which were taken off the coast of Tonga in the South Pacific.

Underwater photographer David Edgar, 30, took photos of his wife Alice, 31, freediving next to the ocean beast as she synchronised her swimming. The pair are pictured diving into the water at the same angle

The pair also took shots with whale sharks in the Philippines, where the young gather to feed on plankton.

David said: ‘My wife Alice has an amazing connection with whales that allows her to share incredible moments underwater with these gentle giants.

‘Freediving is essentially taking one big breath at the surface before diving down and interacting with the animals – sometimes for over a minute and occasionally at depths of up to 15 meters.

‘Despite the size of these animals, and the raw power that they have, there is almost a sense of complete serenity and calm when swimming alongside them.

‘They are very aware of humans in the water and I get the sense that they are as curious of us as we are of them – particularly the young calves.’

Alice is pictured above swimming just yards away from the humpback whales as she copies them in the water. The calm creatures even seemed unbothered by her presence as she swam with them for the photographs

Alice is seen diving down with the humpback whales. Her husband said her amazing connection with whales allows her to share ‘incredible moments underwater’ with the marine animals

As the whale surfaces, Alice mimics the whale and spreads her arms to curve up towards the surface. She was photographed synchronising her swimming with the humpback whale

The pair took shots with whale sharks in the Philippines. Alice is pictured mirroring one of these whale sharks as she swims

As the whale glides along in the sea off the coast of Tonga, Alice is pictured just yards from the majestic animal. Her husband who took the photos said: ‘Despite the size of these animals, and the raw power that they have, there is almost a sense of complete serenity and calm when swimming alongside them’

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